My first attempt at creating a script that converts English to Al Bhed and vise versa.
A slightly better version than the script mentioned above. This one will convert as you type it.
The chicken cult is something that one of my friends started because of her obsession with chickens. It lasted longer than she expected it to so I felt that she needed a website for it.
Here's a list of the video games that I have. This link will take you to my online game page. That should give you more than enough information for what I like about video games. There's even a section of games that I'd like to have but don't yet have. Although, some are probably going to be hard to find.
I re-created the menu from the game. It doesn't match up to the game perfectly, but it's close and it shows all my stats for the game.
These are pictures of my trip to Texas for Renaissance dancing. Half the people pictured aren't actually from Texas either.
Here is a list of songs that I like to play on my ocarina. In order to read it, you'll have to download the font and save it on your computer(C:\Windows\Fonts).