
Award of the Grove
During Her Majesty Katharine Alys' court at Tournament of the Rose on June 1, 2002 the Saltatoris Dance Guild was given the Award of the Grove. This is an arts & sciences group award in recognition of excellence both in practice of an area and teaching of it (in our case, dance).

Award of the
Purple Fretty
The guild also received an award at Val Day on February 12, 2005 called the Purple Fretty. This is a service award given to show thanks for providing some sort of service to the society. In this case, the guild has taught many dance classes together at events like Terpsichore and Pennsic.

Order of the Crimson Toe
The Order of the Crimson Toe was founded by the guild to honor those who have suffered injury in pursuit of dance. Recipients are listed below:
- Al
- Alianora
- Collette the Seamstress
- Isobel
Gratias Award
The Gratias Award is commonly known as the Pearl. It is a tangible way of saying “thank you” for whatever the giver wishes to publicly recognize. Pearls are added to the recipient’s guild badge according to his own tastes.
Guild Mascot

Ferdinand the Duck
Ferdindad the Duck, our unofficial guild mascot, generally watches us dance upon his thrown above the music box.
His badge explains it all.
He truly does winess our insanity, especially when we completely mess up a dance.
Though, it is still fun so we continue to dance.
It's not called 'practice' for nothing.
Below is a picture of Ferdie laughing at us as we all have a good time.
Here is a picture of the badge that Ferdie wears:
Guild Charter
The Saltatoris Dance Guild was established in August 1998. Its express purpose is the promotion of dance including, but not limited to, knowledge, instruction, and performance. Its members are dedicated to the pursuit of Renaissance dance and strive to better themselves in this art form.
Potential Membership
Membership to the guild is by invitation only. You do not need to be a member to dance with us, as everyone is welcome to dance. When an interested party has attended ten dance practices and can perform three dances, he or she may approach guild members expressing an interest in joining the guild. If guild members feel that the candidate is indeed dedicated to the pursuit of dance, an invitation to join will be extended.
There are five ranks within the guild. New members will automatically be placed at the Novice level. At this time the member may display the guild badge. When a guild member feels he or she has achieved the next rank, he needs to present his case to the guild. Advancement will be granted if a majority vote of the guild members so deem it. Any teaching requirement must have been witnessed and approved by at least two guild members in order to qualify for the rank.
Ranking Insignia
Ranked guild members are entitled to embellish their guild badge as follows:
- Novice: a blue aventurine
- Novitiate: a blue aventurine
- Acolyte: a silver pearl
- Journeyman: a gold pearl
- Magister/Magistra: a bell
To maintain active status, a member must participate in at least one demo or performance a year and in at least three dance practices in any three-month period. If a member becomes inactive, it is requested that he remove the ranking insignia from his badge. If he becomes active again, he will be allowed to resume his rank provided he can still accomplish the proficiency-based requirements. If he is unable to meet those requirements, he will be dropped to the rank with the proficiency requirements he can meet. A member will be considered resigned from the guild after a one-year period of inactivity, unless there are extenuating circumstances and the guild is so informed.