See the Complete List of Dances
that we've done since 2007.
Easy Dances- Normal Dances
- Hard Dances
- Advanced Dances
Choreographed by a Guild Member
Name of Dance | #Ppl | Style | Source |
Adson's Saraband | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
All In A Garden Green | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Amoroso | 2 | 15th Century Italian | Ambrosio/Guglielmo(1475) |
Anello | 4 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Angus Reel | 8+2x | Scottish | (????) |
Argeers | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Aridan Bransle | 1+ | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Ballo Del Fiore | 2+2x | 15th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Ballydesmonde | 6 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Bard Dance | 4 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Bare Neccessities | 6 | Misc(Waltz) | Pat Shaw |
Beggar Boy | 6 |
English Country |
Playford(1651) |
Belfiore | 3 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico |
Bella Gioiosa | 3 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Bizzaria D'Amore | 4 | 16th Century Italian | Negri(1602) |
Black Alman | 2 | Alman | Inns of Court(1650-1700) |
Black Nag | 6 | English Country | Playford(1665) |
Boate Man | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Bonny Bonny Broom | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Burley Mariners | 6 | SCA Choreography | Dafydd Arth |
Carolingian Pavanne | 2 | Pavanne | Arbeau(1589) |
Cassandra Bransle | 1+ | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Castellanna | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Charlotte Bransle | 1+ | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Chestnut | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Chiara Stella | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Colonesse | 6 | 15th Century Italian | Guglielmo/Ambrosio(1463) |
Confesse | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Contropasso In Due | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Corwyn's Folly | 2 | SCA Choreography | Amber & Corwyn ap Varrich |
Cuckolds All In A Row | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Dargason | 6+ | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Dashing White Sergeant | 6 | Scottish | Oral Tradition |
Dolce Amoroso Fiamma | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Dutchess Rondalynn's Pavanne | 2 | SCA Choreography | (????) |
Earl Of Salisbury Pavanne | 2 | SCA Choreography | Mabel Dolmetch(20th cen) |
Epping Forest | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Equos Fair | 2 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Faine I Would If I Could | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Female Sailor | 4+2x | Progressive English Country | Recueil de Contradances(1706) |
Fia Guielmina | 2 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Fiamma D'Amore | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Fine Companion | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Gathering Peasecods | 6+2x | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Gelosia | 6 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Gioioso In Tre | 3 | 15th Century Italian | Guglielmo/Ambrosio(15th cen) |
Glory Of The West | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Goddesses | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Gracca Amorosa | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Grimstock | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Half Hannigan | 6+2x | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Haymaker's Jig | 8+2x | Irish | (????) |
Heart's Ease | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Heralds In Love | 8 | SCA Choreography | Iulstun Sigewealding |
Hit And Misse | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Hole In The Wall | 4+2x | Progressive English Country | Playford(1696) |
Horse's Bransle | 2+2x | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Hyde Park | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
If All The World Were Paper | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Jack Pudding | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Jamaica | 4+2x | English Country | Playford(1670) |
Jenny Pluck Pears | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
John Tallow's Canon | 4 | SCA Choreography | Sion Andreas o Wynedd |
Jouyssance Vous Donneray | 4 | Basse | Arbeau(1589) |
Juice Of Barley | 4+2x | Progressive English Country | Playford(1689) |
Karapyet | 2 | Russian | (20th century) |
Kettle Drum | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
King's Courtship | 8 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Kohanoshka | 2 | Russian | (20th century) |
Korobushka | 2 | Russian | (20th century) |
Laccio D'Amore | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Laendler | 2 | Austrian | (1800s) |
Le Bens Distonys | 2 | English | Gresley Manuscript(c.1500) |
Leoncello Vecchio | 2 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Lo Spagnoletto | 4 | 16th Century Italian | Negri(1602) |
Lorayne Alman | 2 | Alman | Inns of Court(1570) |
Lord Sun And Lady Moon | 6 | SCA Choreography | Dafydd Arth |
Lull Me Beyond Thee | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Ma Navu | 1+ | Israeli | (20th cen) |
Madame Sosilia's Alman | 2 | Alman | Inns of Court(1650-1700) |
Mairi's Wedding | 8 | Scottish | Oral Tradition |
Maltese(Turkish) Bransle | 4+ | SCA Choreography | SCA(????) |
Mannschaft Pavanne | 8 | SCA Choreography | SCA(????) |
Maraviglia D'Amore | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Marchesana | 2 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Martin's Bane | 8 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Meeting of the Maydens | 8 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Michaela's Mayhem | 3 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Minute Pavanne | 2 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Mirror Hall | 4 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Miserlou | 1+ | Greek | (????) |
Montard Bransle | 4 or 6 | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Moonshine | 2 | Russian | (20th century) |
Mordred's Lullaby | 2 | SCA Choreography | Rosina del Bosco Chiaro |
My Lady Cullen | 4+2x | Progressive English Country | Playford(1651) |
New Alman | 2 | Alman | Inns of Court(1570) |
Newcastle | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Night Peece | 4+2x | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Nika Nika | 1+ | SCA Choreography | Sion Andreas o Wynedd |
Nonesuch | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Nonesuch A La Northwoods | 8 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Official Bransle | 6+2x | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Old Mole | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
On The Banks Of The Helicon | 6 | SCA Choreography | Dafydd Arth |
Oranges And Lemons | 8 | English Country | Playford(1665) |
Parson's Farewell | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Pease Bransle | 2+2x | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Petit Vriens | 3 | 15th Century Italian | Ambrosio/Guglielmo(1475) |
Picking Of Sticks | 6 | English Country |
Playford(1651) |
Pinagay Bransle | 1+ | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Posten's Jig | 8 | Scottish | (????) |
Prenes A Gard | 3 | English | Gresley Manuscript(c.1500) |
Prince William's Hey | 6 | English Country | Playford?(????) |
Puzzle Box | 8 | SCA Choreography | Dafydd Arth |
Queens Alman | 2 | Alman | Inns of Court(1650-1700) |
Quen Quer Que | 1+ | SCA Choreography | Sion Andreas o Wynedd |
Riunione | 2 | SCA Choreography | Rosina del Bosco Chiaro |
Road To The Isles(Scotland The Brave) | 2 | Scottish | (????) |
Rostiboli Gioioso | 2 | 15th Century Italian | Guglielmo/Ambrosio(1463) |
Rufty Tufty | 4 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Saint Martins | 4 | English Country | Playuford(1651) |
Saltarello II | 8+2x | SCA Choreography | Ihon Vinson MacFergus |
Saltarello La Regina | 2 | SCA Choreography | Geffrei Louam de Kaermeriadec |
Saturday Night And Sunday Morn | 4+2x | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Scotch Cap | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Sellinger's Round | 6+2x | English Country | Playford(1670) |
Shepheard's Holyday | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Six Hand Reel | 6 | Irish | (????) |
Spagnoletta Regolata | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1600) |
Spanish Jeepsie | 8 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
St. Joan | 8 | SCA Choreography | Sion Andreas o Wynedd |
Stingo | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Tesera | 10 | 15th Century Italian | Domenico(1450) |
Tracks Of The Wolf | 8 | SCA Choreography | ![]() |
Trip To Kilburn | 6 | English Country | Playford(1718) |
Twelve Months | 2 | German Alman | Pictures from a German Manuscript |
Two Fat Ladies | 8 | SCA Choreography | Sion Andreas o Wynedd |
Upon A Summer's Day | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Villanella | 2 | 16th Century Italian | Caroso(1581) |
Vita Di Cholino | 3 | 15th Century Italian | Giovanninio |
Wandering Eye | 8 | SCA Choreography | Dafydd Arth |
War Bransle | 1+ | Bransle | Arbeau(1589) |
Whirligig | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |
Woodicock | 6 | English Country | Playford(1651) |